Mediating role
of supervisor on the association between work stress with physical and
psychological symptoms among employees of Isfahan Steel Company in 2012
F, PhD, Khodabakhsh MR, PhD*
1- PhD
in Psychology, Young Researchers & Elite Club, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran. 2- PhD in
Psychology, Young Researchers & Elite Club, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract Received: December 2013, Accepted:
November 2013
Background: Nowadays job stress is one of the most important health problems
that health and safety professionals are facing with. Much of previous studies
have focused on interventions such as stress management and, they have ignored
the role of psychosocial factors in occurrence of job stress. This study
investigated the mediator role of supervisor support on the association between
work stress and both physical and psychological symptoms, among Isfahan steel
company employees in 2012.
Materials and Methods: The study questionnaire was completed by 189 employees of Isfahan
Steel Company in 2012 who accepted to help with this descriptive study. The questionnaire
consisted of items asking about work stress, physical and psychological
symptoms as well as supervisor support.
Results: There were significant intercorrelations between the dependent and
independent variables under research. Hierarchy regression analysis showed that
supervisor support partially mediated the relationship between work stress and
physical and psychological symptoms (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It was concluded that supervisor support is a protective shield
against the effects of stress on psychological and physical health, among
employees working in the steel company.
Keywords: Psychologic Stress, Musculoskeletal Diseases, Psychiatric
Diagnosis, Cardiovascular Diseases
steel industry has one of the highest rates of fatal and non-fatal
accidents/injuries every year. As a high risk industry, there is a need to
investigate factors that affect the occurrence of these accidents in order to helping
us to be able to protect workers [1]. Work stress is regarded as an important
topic in the field of work health [2] because of its negative impacts on workers’ health and safety [3]. It results from Long-term exposure
to workplace psychosocial risks, characteristics
the work environment, work design, and organizational management which
potentially cause psychological and social damages [4]. Work stress in
occupational setting may also result in a physical or psychological
reactions such as[*] absenteeism, turnover, and job burnout [5], cardiovascular and coronary artery disease [6], gastrointestinal complaints, health problems, fatigue, injuries
at work [7], sleep disturbance [8], disorder in social activities and
quality of time spent with family [9], headaches, nausea, muscle pains [10], job dissatisfaction [11], affective disorder [12], increased number of somatic symptoms
such as neck and shoulder pain [13], type 2 diabetes in middle-aged women [14], susceptibility to disease [15], an increased risk of
depression [16], and psychosomatic symptoms [17].
One of the primary obstacles against work stress and physical
–psychological problems can be supervisor support [18]. Supervisors play a
critical role in supporting the professional standards, expectations, and
requirements that are conducive to a more supportive occupational settings as
well as its critical role in the provision of workplace support [19].
Supervisor support is defined as workers' general views about the degree to
which their supervisors value their contribution and care about their
well-being [20]. Supervisor support provides employees with an important
resource to manage stress [21].
The recent research showed supervisor support can buffer the hazardous
effect of work stress on feelings of emotional exhaustion [22]. High levels of
supervisor support reflecting care and concern for the health of employee leads
to a reciprocal relationship in terms of increased safety behavior [23].
Supervisor support provides for employees an important resource to manage
stress [21], enhance performance [24] and buffer the adverse effect of job
demands on emotional exhaustion in situations with low decision authority [25].
Considering the stated material
above, research about supervisor support can have many advantages for
organizations and individuals due to increasing employees’ safe behaviors and
promoting safety level in workplace. However, less research has focused on
psychosocial dimensions of workplace such as supervisor support. Also, the
relationship between work stress and reporting of physical and psychological
symptoms has not been studied adequately. Previous studies have mainly focused
on particular industries [26], and no attempt has been made to describe the
association between work stress and physical and psychological symptoms among
Steel industry workers.
To summarize, the present study
attempted to: 1) the examination of the likely relationship between work stress
and physical and psychological symptoms; 2) the examination of the likely
relationship between work stress and supervisor support; 3) the examination of
the likely relationship between supervisor support and physical and
psychological symptoms; 4) the specification of the mediator
role of supervisor support in the relationship between work stress and physical
and psychological symptoms.
Materials and
This descriptive study was
administrated between Jan and Feb 2012 in Esfahan Steel Company. Esfahan Steel
Company (Zob Ahan-e Esfahan) opened in late 1960s, is based close to the cities
of Fooladshahr and Zarrinshahr, Esfahan Province. Esfahan Steel Company (ESCO) is the first and
largest manufacturer of constructional steel products in Iran (No=8300) [27]. In this
study, in attention to the extent
and distribution of the employees in
the different parts of Esfahan
Steel Company (Tohid Building, Navard part, blast
furnace, steel making, coke,
fire, railway, gas, oxygen plant, technical guidance
etc.), Stratified random sampling was used
to select the study sample. In stratified
random sampling, the strata are formed based on members' shared attributes or
characteristics. A random sample from each stratum is taken in a number
proportional to the stratum's size when compared to the population. These
subsets of the strata are then pooled to form a random sample. Then simple
random sampling or systematic
sampling was applied within each stratum. This often improves the
representativeness of the sample by reducing sampling error. It can produce a weighted mean that has less
variability than the arithmetic mean of a simple
random sample of the population. The sample size was calculated using
SPSS (version 15), Following the procedure recommended by Molavi (28). Given an, α level 0.05 and a power of 90
percent, the sample size required was estimated to be 180 subjects. Given
the likelihood of failure to complete or return questionnaire, almost 200
employees were selected using stratified random sampling and questionnaires
were distributed among them. Informed consent was obtained from each
participant and the was study approved by the appropriately constituted ethics
committees where the work was done.
The entry criterion for a person to
this study was the employment at the company's sectors and the selection from
among the members of his/her group randomly. The exclusion criterion of the
individual was the delivery of incomplete questionnaire and lack of interest in
participating in current research. Six members of the sample due to lack of
interest in research topic, and 5 members due to incomplete questionnaires (in
total 11 people) were excluded. Overall, 189 completed questionnaires were
collected (95% response rate). In order to control the confounding factors,
questionnaires were completed by respondents in a quiet environment. Also,
respondents were told that questions were listed in the questionnaire to evaluate
only stress, psychological distress and physical symptoms that they have
experienced due to their professional duties (not their family duties).
Employees gave the written consent for their satisfaction on participating in
this research and in order to avoid bias in answering questions, they were
ensured that their responses would be confidential.
instruments were used for data collection on work stress, supervisor support,
physical symptoms and psychological distress. At first, all
questionnaires were translated from English into Persian and independently
back-translated into English by a second translator. The few discrepancies
between the original English and the back-translated version resulted in
adjustment in the Persian translation based on direct discussion between the
At the next step, psychometric
characteristics of instruments were examined. Linguistic validation was
performed by three experts of psychology department and five experts of safety and health departments. Thus, the questionnaires were piloted and finalized with
an advisory group of workers to ensure that the scales items were
comprehensible and appropriate to the context. Moreover, conceptual analysis
confirmed the linguistic validity of all instrument. The
questionnaires were distributed to workers with the help
of union steward. Participants were assured of confidentiality and informed
consent in written format was taken from each them.
Scale of
Supervisor Support for safety. Perceived supervisor support for safety with 15 items of Hayes,
Perander, Smecko and Trask [29] was measured. Questions in the questionnaire
are based on the amount and how employees interact with their supervisors.
Two samples of the questions in this scale were: "My supervisor encourages
me to express my ideas and opinions about safety at work", "My
supervisor spends time showing me the safest way to do things at work”.
Respondents indicated the extent of agreement with each statement on a 5-point
Likert-type scale (1= strongly disagree; 5= strongly agree). The scores of
participants were obtained by adding their responses to a 15-items
questionnaire. Total score was grades of 15-75 that higher scores indicate that
employees perceive work environment and their supervisors more supportive.
Munteanu [30], calculated the internal reliability of this scale using
Cronbach's alpha of 0/90. Evidence of reliability of this scale, as
administered to Iranian relevant populations, in this research, by Alpha
Coefficient is 0.80 and by Split-half is 0.78 The validity coefficients of
questions and rating scales PSS are between 0.23 and 0.77 that all the validity
coefficients are significant at p<0.0001.
symptoms scale. This scale is a 20 items questionnaire of Barling, Loughlin and
Kelloway [31]. It is made based on
the frequency of physical symptoms that employees have experienced them in
their jobs during the past month. Scoring is
based on a
likert style of five degrees from 1 (never)
to 5 (more than 5 times). Two samples of the questions in this scale were:
"How frequently have you experienced headache or dizziness on the
job?", “How frequently have you experienced persistent fatigue on the
job?". Sum of the scores given to items is reported as the total score of
physical symptoms for a worker. Prior studies surveying many industrials and
organizations provide evidence for high internal reliability and validity of
the scale (30). Internal consistencies (Cronbach’s α) in this study in
Iran were 0.81, which was excellent for this scale.
symptoms scale. This scale is a tool with 7 items of Barling et al. [31]. It is based
on the frequency of psychological symptoms that employees have experienced them
in their jobs during the past month. Scoring is
based on a
likert style of five degrees from 1 (never)
to 5 (more than 5 times). Two samples of the questions in this scale were:
" how frequently have you lost much sleep due to work related
worries" and ", how frequently have you felt constantly under
strain". Psychological distress scores are from 0 to 28 that high scores
indicate more psychological distress experienced by the individual. Mantineau
[30] reported the internal validity of this scale using Cronbach's alpha 0/83.
Also, she showed that this scale had a good validity. Internal consistencies
(Cronbach’s α) in this study in Iran were 0.79, which was excellent for
this scale.
Work stress. This scale was measured by Perceived Job Stress Scale (PSS) [32]. PSS is the most widely used psychological instrument for measuring
the perceived job stress. It measures the degree to which situations in one’s
life are rated as stressful. The items asked for respondents how often they find
their lives unpredictable,
uncontrollable, and overloaded [33]. The scale also
includes a number of direct questions about the current levels of experienced
stress. All the items we used were modified to ensure that they were
appropriate for the industrial context and included a number of direct
questions about the current levels of experienced job stress. A sample item is
‘‘in the last month in workplace, how often have you been angry because of the
things that were outside of your control.’’. The items of this questionnaire are
grasped easily, and the response alternatives understand it simply. Further,
the queries are of a public nature and thus are relatively free of content
specific to any subpopulation group. The questions in the PSS ask about
feelings and thoughts during the last month. In each case, respondents were
asked how often they felt a certain way. Scoring was
based on a Likert scale of four degrees from 0 (never) to 4 (very often). Mitchell, Crane
and Kim [34] mentioned that this questionnaire has a high correlation with
scales of "traumatic stress syndrome” and "quality of mental health”.
Also Demir and Orucu [35], in their
study, mentioned the Cronbach’s Alpha 0.84 and its correlation with the
questionnaire "Public Health", 0.61. Evidence of reliability of this
scale, as administered to Iranian relevant populations, in this research, by
Alpha Coefficient is 0.82 and by Split-half is 0.77 The validity coefficients
of questions and rating scales PSS are between 0.26 and 0.81 and all the
validity coefficients are significant at p<0.0001.
In order to test the mediating
effect of supervisor support between work stress with physical and
psychological symptoms multiple regression analyses were performed separately
for each three-variable system in the model to assess the relations between
work stress with physical and psychological symptoms via the hypothesized
mediator which is supervisor support. According to Baron and Kenny, the
following four conditions must be met to establish mediation: (a) The predictor
variable must be related to the potential mediator, (b) the predictor must be
related to the criterion variable and when the criterion variable is regressed
on both the predictor and mediator variables, (c) the mediator must be related
to the criterion variable, and (d) the previously significant relation between
the predictor and criterion variables is attenuated [36]. All these
requirements were examined and, in addition, the Sobel test [37] was used to
test size and significance of the mediation effect. Data were analyzed using SPSS
15 software and p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically
The majority of participants were
male, because the main occupational groups were at production line in this
study. Ages ranged from 18 to 53; the mean age of the participants was 34 yr
(SD=5.58 yrs) and average work experience was 12 yr (SD=3.2 yrs) (Table1).
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of the participants (N=189)
Variable |
Groups |
Frequency |
Percentage [%] |
to 29 years |
68 |
36% |
to 41 years |
68 |
36% |
to 53 years |
53 |
28% |
Sex |
Male |
170 |
90% |
Woman |
19 |
10% |
status |
Married |
113 |
60% |
Single |
76 |
40% |
Education |
degree |
22 |
12% |
graduates |
45 |
24% |
school graduates |
113 |
60% |
school graduates and lower |
9 |
4% |
experience |
years and lower |
68 |
36% |
to 15 years |
45 |
24% |
to 25 years |
45 |
24% |
years and higher |
31 |
16% |
status |
Shift |
120 |
64% |
shift |
69 |
36% |
2 shows the descriptive statistics and intercorrelations of the study
variables. Work stress was positively related to physical symptoms (r=.34,
p<.01), and to psychological symptoms (r=.43, ns). Supervisor support
was negatively related to physical symptoms (r=-.33, p<.01) and to
psychological symptoms (r=-.23, p<.05). Work stress was negatively related
to supervisor support (r=-.25, p<.05).
Table2: Mean, standard deviation
and internal correlation between
variables (N =189)
Correlations |
Measure |
M |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
work stress |
25/35 |
4/94 |
1 |
symptoms |
16/93 |
5/02 |
0/34** |
1 |
symptoms |
11/1 |
4/33 |
0/43** |
0/55** |
1 |
support |
29/1 |
2/51 |
2/25* |
0/33** |
0/23* |
1 |
*p< 0/05, ** p<0/01
used the approach proposed by Baron and Kenny [36] for testing mediation. In
addition, in order to estimate significance and size of the indirect effect we
employed the Sobel test (1982) [37]. Regression analyses were used to test the
hypotheses about the mediating role of supervisor support. First, work stress
regressed on supervisor support; supervisor support was found to significantly
predict work stress (ß=-.26; p<0.05) (second step). The regression
analysis results are shown in Table 3 & 4.
Table3: Results
of mediation analysis for physical symptoms
and Kenny [1986] steps |
B |
SE |
ß |
t |
P |
Direct and
total effects |
1: physical symptoms regressed on work stress [b path] |
.21 |
.099 |
.23 |
2.06 |
.042 |
2: work stress regressed on supervisor support [a path] |
-.118 |
.049 |
-.261 |
-2.39 |
.02 |
3: Physical symptoms regressed on work stress, controlling for supervisor
support [b׳ path] |
.16 |
.12 |
.17 |
-2.12 |
.032 |
effect and significant using distribution |
z |
P |
Sobel |
-2.22 |
0/03 |
Note. N = 189.
hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the successive and
independent contributions of work stress and supervisor support on physical and
psychological symptoms (first and third steps). The effect of work stress to
physical and psychological symptoms was reduced (although it was still
significant) after supervisor support was entered in the equation at step 3.
This result was consistent with the presence of a partial mediation effect. The
significance of the mediation effect was further confirmed by the significance
of the Sobel test for physical symptoms (z =-2.22, p<0.05) and for
psychological symptoms (z =-2.4, p<0.05).
the analysis provided support for the hypothesis of the mediating role of the
supervisor support on the relation between work stress and physical and
psychological symptoms.
Table 4: Results
of mediation analysis for psychological symptoms
and Kenny [1986] steps |
B |
SE |
ß |
t |
P |
Direct and
total effects |
1: psychological symptoms regressed on work stress [c path] |
.35 |
.079 |
.45 |
4.41 |
.000 |
2: work stress regressed on supervisor support [a path] |
-.118 |
.049 |
-.261 |
-2.39 |
.02 |
3: psychological symptoms regressed on work stress, controlling for
supervisor support [c׳ path] |
.30 |
.08 |
.38 |
-2.19 |
.031 |
effect and significant using distribution |
Z |
P |
Sobel |
2.4 |
0/02 |
Note. N = 189
results of the present study indicated that work stress has positive
correlations with physical and psychological symptoms and a negative
correlation with supervisor support. This is consistent with the findings of
the previous studies [1, 38-43] and can be interpreted on the basis of
the following possibilities.
Work stress is the
condition in which some factors interfere with the worker to disrupt his or her
or psychological health [44]. Previous research indicated work
stress has positive correlation with physical and psychological symptoms such
as Backache [45], Headache [46], Eye strain [47],
Sleep disturbance [48], Fatigue [49], the decrease in appetite [50],
gastrointestinal problems [51]. For example headache is pain experienced in the
upper half and back of the head, in particular is associated with exposure to
stressors such as scheduled hours, shift work, and lack of
pre-work training [46]. Supervisor support consistently
buffered the negative effect of work stress on the physical and psychological
health among employee. Theoretical models of work stress also include a central
role for support. The importance of supervisor support seems reasonable.
Supervisor support is essential to motivating employee to excel and provision
of support in workplace. Previous researches showed high levels of supervisor
support were related to decreased work stress and a greater appreciation of the
work [52].
results of the present study indicated that supervisor support has a mediatory
role in the relationship between work stress and physical and psychological
symptoms. This is consistent with the findings of the previous studies [18,
52, 53-55] and can be interpreted on the basis of the following possibilities.
Previous research indicated the availability of support from one's supervisor
buffered the negative effects of work stress on health of employees. Employees
with the perception of supervisor support realize that their health and safety
for supervisory management is more important than the mere production; so they
do not spend all their time for doing their jobs faster and do their work with
more patience .On the other side, employees with the perception of work
pressure have more job stress and want to do their work rapidly; therefore, at
the time of working with organizational machinery and perhaps even at the time
of their passing are involved in more accidents. The perception of employees
about the company philosophy and its supervisor of production or
safety, after the organization's policy towards safety,
was the second important factor in predicting
safety performance [56]. The
theory of demand-control [DC], describes work stress as developing from the
structural or organizational aspects of the work environment and not the
individual characteristics [57]. A part of this theory as interaction between
the job demands is put on the employee and the management to coordinate those
demands [58]. Employees involved in positions with low control, high demands
and low supervisor support, are in a higher danger of physical
and psychological harm from work stress [59]. Mcclenahan, Giles and Mallett [60]
concluded that high demands and low control and low supervisor support
accounted for 26%, 6%, and 8% of the variance in job satisfaction,
psychological distress and burnout, respectively. Lack of supervisors' support
and poor communication may act as stressors and therefore lead to the
perception of work stress [61]. Supervisor support has effects which are beyond
the perceived organizational support that is only associated with improved
safety communications. Providing essential information and skills about mental
health, including occupational stressors, have desired effects on the mental
health of employees, at least in the short term [62]. Through providing
information for subordinates or transferring attitudes or opinions about safety
to them, often supervisors act as a driving force affecting workplace safety [63].
Perceived support of supervisor and co-workers from
safety can reduce stress and the perception of stressors in workplace [64].
Supervisor support can mediate the impact of stressors on workers, in turn, cause
them less likely to experience work stress [65]. Supervisor support provides
employees with an important resource to manage stress and ultimately reduces
the negative effect of work stress impact on physical and psychological
symptoms. In order to minimize the occurrence of physical and psychological
symptoms, it is important to provide supervisor support for employees [66].
Most organizations spend all their time in designing interventions for reducing
stress. Although employees will learn ways to deal with stressors, when they
enter the workplace, because of poor relations with supervisors and colleagues,
get involved in the paradoxical situation. Learning from interventions becomes
pale, and they fall in the same destructive cycle of conflicts. Studies have
shown that supervisor support and the quality of communication between the
supervisor and employees have a significant impact on learning transfer [67].
Therefore, in organizations supervisors and managers should be taught how to
establish good relations with subordinates. Given the above contents, the
mediator role of supervisor support in the relationship between work stress and
physical and psychological symptoms include: Identifying important factors in
the occurrence of work stress and the better design of human relations in the
workplace which can mediate the effect of work stress on physical and
psychological health of employees. The most effective procedure in which organizations
can reduce work stress is modifying the sources of stress and creating a
healthy workplace in occupational stress management. Increasing communication
through greater opportunities for participation of employees in workplace and
supervisor support training program on stress management might be effective ways
for alleviating work stress, which would ultimately enhance workers’ health.
The present study needs to be replicated in different populations and needs
more empirical support. Till then, the findings of the study should be
interpreted with caution. Further, the cross-sectional design of the study and
participants (i.e., a group of employees) exert some limitations on the
generalization of the findings. Finally, the problems and limitations on the
use of self-repotting instruments should not be overlooked.
The results of the present study showed that supervisor support has
a critical role in the relationship between job stress with psychological and
physical health among employees.
The authors would like to acknowledge the generosity of employees
who agreed to participate in this research.
Conflict of interest: Non declared
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[*] Corresponding
author: Mohammad Reza Khodabakhsh, Young Researchers & Elite club,
Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.