Guidelines for Reviewers of JOHE
Reviewing a manuscript is an exciting and enjoyable educational experience. However, it is also a time-consuming responsibility. JOHE and its editors, authors, and readers therefore appreciate your willingness to accept this responsibility and your dedication. We hope that these Guidelines will help make your job easier.
General Policies and Procedures
Authors submit their manuscripts electronically to JOHE. The JOHE staff performs an initial quality control check and then assigns the manuscript to a member of the Board of Editors, who in turn can assign an invited editor before assigning the manuscript to reviewers.
If you decline the invitation to review:
You may indicate why you are declining to review the manuscript in a letter to the editor. If possible, please suggest a colleague who may be able to review the manuscript. Do not send the manuscript directly to a colleague for review. If appropriate, the editor will send an invitation to review to that individual.
Do not discuss the paper with its authors either during or after the review process.
Although it may seem natural and reasonable to discuss points of difficulty or disagreement directly with an author, especially if you are generally in favor of publication and do not mind revealing your identity, this practice is prohibited because the other reviewers and the editor may have different opinions, and the author may be misled by having "cleared things up" with the reviewer who has contacted him/her directly. Please do not use the information contained in the manuscripts before they have been published.