Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)                   J Occup Health Epidemiol 2021, 10(2): 113-126 | Back to browse issues page

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Debela M B, Azage M, Begosaw A M. Prevalence of Occupational Injury among Workers in the Construction, Manufacturing, and Mining Industries in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Occup Health Epidemiol 2021; 10 (2) :113-126
URL: http://johe.rums.ac.ir/article-1-438-en.html

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1- Master of Public Health in Epidemiology, School of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. , mitikubonsa8@gmail.com
2- PhD, Schools of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
Article history
Received: 2021/03/22
Accepted: 2021/05/29
ePublished: 2021/06/27
Abstract:   (2881 Views)

Background: Despite the volume of existing literature on the prevalence of occupation-related injuries in Africa, it is fragmented across a broader spectrum and difficult to quickly understand the average magnitude. Besides, there is a lack of empirical shreds of evidence on the regional pooled estimate. Hence, the study aimed to develop the regional pooled estimates of occupation-related injuries among workers in Africa's industries.
Materials and Methods: The study followed preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses guidelines. The used databases included Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and Cochrane Library. Further, a modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment was used for the critical appraisal of studies. The pooled prevalence of injury was computed using STATA version 14 statistical software. Funnel plot and Egger's tests were conducted to evaluate publication bias. The study assessed the heterogeneity using the I-squared test and Galbraith plot.
Results: Out of 603 accessed studies, 20 that met the eligibility criteria were included. The pooled prevalence of occupational injury in Africa was 57% (95% CI: 48, 67). Totally, 62% (95% CI: 44, 77), 57% (95% CI: 38, 76), and 51% (95% CI: 32, 69) of injuries were identified in the manufacturing, construction, and mining sites, respectively, based on the subgroup analysis.
Conclusions: The rate of occupation-related injuries is dramatically increasing. Such injury is one of the immense concerns for workers' health and safety in Africa. Hence, the stakeholders should carry out rigorous law enforcement to ensure compliance with health and safety measures.

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